Sunday, August 3, 2008

Metropolis rediscovered

By now you must have heard the news that nearly all the lost footage of Metropolis has been rediscovered in an archive in Buenos Aires.

Several scenes by secondary characters were excised from the film after the premiere. Further cuts by Channing Pollock completely transformed the story of the film.

So now we will be able to see the performance by Fritz Rasp, which received rave reviews back in 1927.

Hel's memorial scene is also back, but the rediscovered footage does show something odd. Until now it was always assumed that the monument to Hel's memory was done using the Schufftann process. But as you can see on the image below, this doesn't seem likely as the curtain moves in front of the statue. So the Hel monument, like many other sets was actually fully built, which you can see here

As for Maria and her robot doppleganger they should get more scenes, including one where she gets her instructions to pervert Fredersen's orders and Maria's escape.

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